Monday, March 23, 2009

I am allergic to the wind...

I am allergic to something. The wind was blowing really bad yesterday and I am sneezing and coughing...again. I just got over a nasty resperatory infection. Mom says I'm gonna have to stay in the house until I am better....RATS!



  1. I hope you feel better soon! Its been real windy here too.


  2. Hi Princess, It's tha wind an tha pollen. It's bad here too.
    Nice to meet you...

  3. Oh poor Princess! Hope you fel better soon.

  4. What a cuuuutie picture! Hi Princess, get well soon!

  5. Hi Princess! It's nice to meet you!! We're sorry you have allergies and hafta stay in because of it! We hope the wind stops so you will feel better soon!

    Wally, Ernie & Zoey

  6. Hi Princess - we is happy to meet you! we hopes that you feel better soon - being 'lerjik to the wind is awful! - Sammy, Miles and Billy SweetFeets

  7. Sorry you are having allergies Princess, hope you are feeling better soon.

  8. Hello Princess! Nice to meet you! You poor thing sneezing like that. Yes, kitties can suffer from the allergies just like the humans. We hope yours gets betters real soon. You are very purrty.

  9. Hello Princess! Kirby sat at the door with the glass up all day yesterday in the wind and now Mom says he sounds like a squeaky toy when he sneezes! Hope you feel better soon.

  10. Hi Princess! You are a pretty little girlcat!
    We all stay inside, so the wind does not get to us, except thru a screened window. We hope you get better soon!
    ~ The Bunch

  11. Oh, hi Princess Patience. I hope it's an allergy and not your URI come back. Poor Victor got gooey eyes and nasty sneezes right after I came here. My eyes were itchy sometimes, too. We had to eat pills but Mom put them in treats and we almost didn't notice!

    As for going outside, OH I WOULDN'T DARE! It's a HUGE world out there and we're just little girl kitties! Inside is much better, though it's fun to sit in open windows.

  12. Oh dear! Sneezing is no fun! You stay in and get all kindsa mommy snuggles until you feel all better. I wonder if it is pollen or something a neighbor sprayed that got to you.

    I didn't know you all went outside. NO wandering off you hear! We worry when friends wander away.

  13. Hi Princess! Sadie is alerjic to a bunch of stuff too, she gets shots once a month fur it! We don't get to go outside, mom is afraid we might go in da street and get run over by a big wheel monster.

  14. Nice to meet you Princess. Our Meowm has allergies too!

  15. Hi Princess, nice to meet you. You are a ginger girl kitty, that is quite unusual. You and your ginger brother Harry should consider signing up to the Gorgeous Gingers site (

    Purrs from fat floofy ginger Fat Eric in London

  16. Welcome to the Cat Blogosphere, Princess! Allergies are no fun - our Callie has them, but she doesn't sneeze, she just scratches all her hair out.

    Rocky & staff

  17. Hi Princess! I am sorry you are all sneezy and coughy ... I sneeze a lot too, sometimes on Momma's face ... hee hee! I hope you get all better so you can go outsides again! I don't go outside myself, but I do like it when the windows are open!
    Purrs and headbutts,

  18. Hi Princess! I wanted to drop by and say hello. I hope you get over your allergies very quickly! Welcome to the cat Blogosphere!

  19. Hello Princess and welcome to the Cat Blogosphere. I see my buddy Fat Eric has already invited you to join the Gorgeous Gingers.

    I hope your sneezes go away soon so you can go outside again.

  20. I know just how you feel, Princess. I get sneezy and coughy when the wind blows hard, too. I hope that the wind dies down so your allergies won't bother you so much. Be careful when you go outside.
